On the road with abc rural reporter tom edwards and abc.com producer Michael D’Antonio.
“This is all going to start with how much it costs to buy the cable company,” said Ms Rutter.
“Then there’s the cost of buying land that’s not yours. It’s actually pretty easy for most Australians that don’t have properties – they can live on their $2,000 property.
“And then there’s the cost of building the 카지노커뮤니티new station that’s going to deliver video to those people who can’t go to see the news.
“It’s a huge expense.”
On the hunt for an ABC 광주안마rural correspondent Tom Edwards is looking to recruit candidates this weekend. Photo: Peter Braig
Itgta5카지노‘s not just in rural areas where digital news is being squeezed out of the traditional media.
The Sunday Times’ rural correspondent, Tom Edwards, who travels the country promoting the ABC’s digital programmes, is trying to pick up his 10 per cent national licence fee.
But ABC radio station News Corp can offer $7.60.
A deal has not yet been finalised for News Corp’s radio station, and it is widely expected to fail to convince the broadcaster to carry the ABC’s news online.